lunes, julio 24, 2006

Trazos Azules

Música: "Suma Y Sigue" - Estopa.
Busca una promesa que tenga años de garantía y encuentra la salida de esta urna de cristal. Nada puedo ofrecerte. Ahora mismo, deliro consumido entre sombras. La inmediatez me corrompe, me fusiona con el vacío y eterniza las llamas y el fuego. Incandescente incosciencia de papeles repetidos. De clones por actores y perdedores. Haces de luz intermitentes. Vagas nieblas y telas de araña. Árboles de ensoñaciones con frutas venenosas. Paredes pintadas de colores que giran y se vuelven blanco. Todo es blanco oscuro, negro claro. Sutilezas criminales tras los trazos. Vengan, entiendan, pasen, posean, disfruten. La tarjeta de visita se vuelve transparente. Chas! Y se vuelve una luz de la Fuente Mágica, una llamada que hace interferencias en el control remoto y la sincronía música-agua se pierde. Todo se repite. Cambian los sustantivos y los complementos. Enganches oxidados. Se hunden en los recuerdos movedizos lentamente. La sangre bombea asíncronamente y fluye veloz al liberar las venas del secuestro. Los cubos de hielo se derriten, se fusionan. Proceso los virus. Evito las amenazas. Busco. Escapo. Un, dos, tres, YA.

"La única cruz es la que tu quieras llevar contigo [...] por algún motivo, ilegal o clandestino" - "Cuentas Al Día", Ariel Rot.

PD: (I) Do Not (Want You To) Disturb (Me) strikes back...

9 comentarios:

Arte dijo...

buen blog. te visito.

Anónimo dijo...

La unica cruz es la de siempre, la que esta a tu lado y te da felicidad lo que pasa que a veces pesa.

Muy buena vida para vos.

alexA platoanA dijo...

y para ciertas cosas no hay garantías... sobre todo para las cosas importantes. no hay garatía para la vida: es a puro riesgo. y ese es el nombre de tu blog.

un beso grande.

alexA platoanA dijo...

asíncronamente vuelvo a pasar por akí, esperando el último número al ke hay ke responder para empezar a correr, y ke el tiempo corra, y ke la vida corra en su curso azaroso. vuelvo a pasar y en este ritmo ke siempre cambia y siempre es el mismo te dejo un saludo, una caricia en la mejilla y un sueño fragmentado.

alexA platoanA dijo...

y akí estoy aún...

Abisha Gry dijo...

Echo de menos leerte, Lidia.

Un beso, hasta tu vuelta:)

Arleqino dijo...

mi amiga, ¿qué pasó contigo?

Néstor Daniel Altamirano dijo...

Excelente blog!! Saludos desde tu amada Argentina, más específicamente Tandil, Buenos Aires. Conocés? Desde hoy seré uno de tus asiduos visitantes, ya que siento que me ayudarás a elevarme y perderme entre las palabras para meditar sobre la vida... y quien sabe, tal vez escribir algo.
Un beso, cuidate mucho!!

Steve Finnell dijo...


Have you ever noticed the parallels between Naaman's cure of his leprosy and faith only believers doctrine of forgiveness of sin?

Naaman wanted his leprosy washed away, but he did not want to follow the plan of God's man, the prophet Elisha.

Faith only believers want to have sins washed away, but they do not want to follow the plan of the man Jesus selected to implement that plan, the apostle Peter.

2 Kings 5:10-11 Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you and you will be clean. 11 But Naaman was furious and went away and said, "Behold, I thought, 'He will surely come to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place and cure the leper'

Naaman thought calling on the name of the Lord and waving of Elisha's hand would cure his leprosy. Naaman did not want to get wet. Naaman did not want to baptize himself seven times. Naaman thought "faith only" would cure his leprosy.

Acts 2:37-38....what shall we do?" 38 Peter said to them, "Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Faith only believers do not want to get wet. They do not want to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. They want to call on the name of the Lord and say the "Sinner's Prayer."

Naaman's servant convinced him to follow Elisha's plan.

2 Kings 5:14 So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child and he was clean.

Naaman's leprosy was not removed by faith only. Naaman's leprosy was removed and his flesh was restored only after he baptized himself seven times in the Jordan. Naaman did not sprinkle himself seven times in the Jordan . Naaman did not pour himself seven times in the Jordan. Naaman dipped (baptized) himself in the Jordan seven times. Naaman had faith in the God of the prophet Elisha, however, obedience was required in order to have his leprosy cured.

UNDER THE NEW COVENANT faith is essential in order to have sins forgiven, however, obedience in water baptism is also required in order to have sins forgiven.


Naaman did not say dipping in water had absolutely nothing to do with his being cleansed of leprosy.

Naaman did not proclaim that his leprosy was cleansed the minute he believed God had the power to cure his leprosy.

Naaman did not assert that dipping in the Jordan was an outward sign of his cure that had taken place before he entered the water.

Naaman did not say he baptized himself because his leprosy had already been cured.

Naaman did tell others that he baptized himself because Elisha command it, and it was just an act of obedience.

Naaman did not proclaim that his leprosy was cured by faith only.

Naaman did not say dipping in the Jordan was "a work of righteousness" and works cannot wash away leprosy.

Naaman failed to assert that baptizing himself was a testimony of his faith, but was not essential to having his leprosy cured.

QUESTION: Can "faith only" believers reject what God's man, the apostle Peter, said about repentance and water baptism and
have their sins forgiven? (Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21)